
04 December 2011

KMPk Batch 2005-2006


Hye guys! Guess what?! I found these pictures!!!! Yeahhh!!! Comot sgt nih!!! Taken 6 years ago. Sooo lameeee sudahhhh.... Muke naif giler plus lagi muke hitam sebab kononnyer aktif sangat besukan. Sori Sary, I curik gambar u kat FB then upload dekat blog ni.

carik-carik mane saye? hehe.. =P

Roomate-roomate yang sangat best! Anith, Sary, Nina


Pusat Sumber. Didn't know why muke aku harus nak masak macam tu. Sangat coooommmm...oott...


*Dah-dah~~ tak boleh nak upload banyak2 sgt gambar ni*

Well.. Hati harus ye nak tegelak besar bile tengok balik gambar-gambar lame ni but KMPk memang sangat indah. Itu tidak dinafikan. Ini semua gambar bersama roommate2. Gambar dengan geng-geng Tutor Physic 33 Lecture Physic 6 (TP33 LP 6) memang ade.. Tapi kat Pahang.. huwarghahaha!

Itu saje, thanks for reading this entry! =)

Heartbreak Ridge Was Never This Arrogant


i'm trying to turn melancholy to magic.
i'm trying to make some sense out of it all.
i'd like to think that all this madness is good.
or did i just set myself up for all fall?
hurm... i dont think so..
all this heartbreak's left me in a stupor.
i dont want to be like this forever.
i longed so long for happiness to creep in.
and relieve me from this lifetime of pain.

How do we know bila kita betul-betul da "moved on"?

Bila satu hari kita bangun tidor, then we realized that we are no longer interested to know anything about that person / things / them?

Bila perkara-perkara yang pernah diguna pakai untuk menyakitkan hati kita satu masa dulu was no longer affecting our heart?

Bila rasa marah dan benci sudah lesap?

Belum betul-betul "moved on"? Susah nak cakap sebab susah nak decrypt semua mende alah ni dalam kriptografi hidup kita. Try harder, or at least try. soon... InsyaAllah. =|